星期一, 五月 7


原本就是一段不被看好的结合, 所以分手是预料中的事..只是没有想到会是这么快..
话虽然是这样说, 不过当事情真的发生时, 我很惊讶..

我能说的, 我尽量去说.. 能陪她的, 我也尽量去陪她..
也许, 她有了这次的经验, 下次的恋情会变更好呢..

我是觉得啦, 怎么说都是第一次谈恋爱嘛, 失败就当做是种练习吧..
小妹, 你会更好的!


8 条评论:

金田一 说...


金田一 说...


Devil_Angel 说...

谢谢你大姐姐, 我会怒力过得更快乐。 我自己也没想到会这么快结束。 你们说的
我多有听进去。。 一定会很快的走出情伤的。。

金田一 说...


Crayn Tay 说...


Crayn Tay 说...

圣 simi lanjiao 诞? said...
Interesting. Looks like some shameless people decided to treat your blog as a free advertising billboard for his religion. Lelong lelong, free fake passport to heaven for all. Look almost authentic. Sure can fool most people except the experts. Come and grab wor!

分享的圣诞故事? 圣 simi lanjiao 诞? Where got "温馨幸福的季节"? Just a superstitious fairy tale about a virgin who can give birth? Virgin can give birth? yah, we are 3 years old hor.

You think you are promoting your religion.
You are disgracing it by your action.

星期二 十二月 05, 03:08:00 上午

圣 simi lanjiao 诞? said...
Sorry dandan, the "you" in the above comment was referring to the shameless 乌托邦, not to you dandan. Just in case you misunderstand...

Crayn Tay 说...

i read this.. in last few previous comment... ur fren kah this one?? who said those rude words..?? jus wana to know,.

dandan...™ 说...

crayn, its not my friend..i also dunno who..btw, my xiaomei very young only la.. but u no chance also..heez..